It appears that Movable Type has been forked into a new project called “Melody.” Now this is why I love Open Source software, if something isn’t working right fracture the code, take some of the developers, and subdivide the user base. I understand that one piece of software can’t do everything. By all means it shouldn’t, but there doesn’t seem to be any driving goals of this project that aim to make it vastly different the Movable Type.
A quick read of the sparse About page and FAQ, seems to indicate that this fork is driven by the need to work with the community more. In other words they don’t have any unique design principles yet, but invoking the term “community” implies that we soon will have all that we’ve been missing from Movable Type. They suggest trying to be more like WordPress. Maybe that means documentation that isn’t habitually wrong. I’m not sure.
On face value it looks like some sort of internal fallout happened. When you drop all of the idealistic bullshit, thats the most common reason for a fork. Two people couldn’t agree and they go their own way but try to make it look all happy and mutual, as if this will somehow be “better for everyone.”
The way I see it, Movable Type has been trying to become a CMS and failing miserably. It’s once rapid rate of progress during the 3.x builds has become a snails pace under 4.x., and this fork may finally kill it or get SixApart off their asses and take a look at what their actually trying to accomplish.