So I asked interns past and present to write us a little blurb about their experiences here. They so kindly did! I’d like to share their words of wisdom with you all….
Hello Katie,
Greetings from Cornell! I hope you are all doing well. Sorry I’m sending this so late… Scott was right about me procrastinating on this.
For me, a lot of the internship was a new experience for me. The interview was my first job interview, and I wasn’t really sure what to expect but both you and Scott made me feel at ease and kept the interview going. It was very helpful of Scott to point out different parts of my resume that were weak or lacking. I found Scott’s Learning Time to be pretty fun and informative, but everything stuck in my head much better when I applied what I learned to mocking up an actual site. I would’ve liked to see more of how Javascript and PHP were implemented into HTML designs, but I guess the designs didn’t really call for that so I can’t complain. I didn’t really have the Javascript or PHP background to do anything other than styling, but, overall, I really enjoyed the laid-back work environment. The only things I think the workplace needed were: 1) more Pig, and 2) better ramen.
So, that was pretty short because I can’t think of anything else I can evaluate. I really did have a fun time and I thank you guys for that!